Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Say it Ain't So!

As far as inspiration is concerned, domino magazine has been so so so so influential in my design choices. My sister has gotten me a subscription to this magazine for a couple years now and I devour it monthly. I have learned a lot from this magazine!
So I was DEVASTATED when I heard that they are stopping publication. At least I have a few back issues to keep and read over and over and over and over again. Goodbye friend. It was fun while it lasted.


Rachel said...

What?!?! All the good magazines are getting cancelled. I'm still mourning Blueprint, and now Cottage Living and Craft, too. I can't believe Domino is also stopping. I'm glad I saved all my back issues.

Susanna said...

WHAT!?!??! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO GIVE YOU FOR CHRISTMAS!??! This totally cramps my super-easy-Christmas-gifts style! Bummer!